I teach an adagio practice often called AcroYoga. I teach intermediate and advanced students in circus or solar machines, transitions, & poses. I lead the Westside Acro project originating out of the Original Muscle Beach which seeks to provide year round access to high levels of progressive training for students of the practice in Southern California. Many of the leading teachers from throughout the world have come to share their passions and skills with us at Westside Acro. The Los Angeles kula has been greatly strengthened by my tireless work.
I perform adagio en duo with Ahni Radvanyi as Acro Love.
I introduced the roué Cyr to Southern California in 2008 and have taught and performed with many of the leading talents in the wheel. I currently teach privates on the wheel. Contact me if you have a desire to learn how to spin or acquire a wheel.
I perform, train, and teach a type of oloid kinetic sculpture called the zig. I have travelled throughout the west spreading the beauty and fun of kinetic sculptures at private events, workshops, and festivals.
I am a silverback in the traveling rings community of OMB. My style of swinging has been featured in movies, music videos, and television over the last decade. There is a school of swingers in the community who follow the paths I have carved outside of the normal swinging techniques. My work to create and popularize multi-person swinging through the game ClockWork has created a whole new way to play and has resulted in demands for my workshops and individual training with me.
My advocacy and passion for the traveling rings has led me to build a non-profit "Friends of Muscle Beach", co-create over a decade ago & lead the online discussion group RingFlyers, consult with municipal entities & individuals throughout the world in creating playgrounds, and even speak at a TED event on how society is shaped by the strategies we use to play.
Through my personal training with individuals, in classes, and workshops I share my methods and stories to my students.
I welcome any and all contacts related to my passions.