Most people consider life a battle -- but it is not a battle, it is a game.
It is a game, however, which cannot be played successfully without the knowledge of spiritual law, and the Old and the New Testaments give the rules of the game with wonderful clearness. Jesus Christ taught that it was a great game of Giving and Receiving.
Caleb writes that Florence Scovel Shinn has something challenging to say in 'The Game of Life and How To Play It.' If the above quote is any indication then Caleb is as confused as Florence.
I'm not exactly sure how Ms. Shinn gets her data but it does seem a stretch to say what most people think. I have discussed these questions with many folks over the years and while, yes, certainly some do see life as a battle it surely is overreaching to say "most" about any considered opinion about what life "is" or "is not."
Current polls in the United States show "most" folks deem George Bush an admirable figure. Most, nee, all the folks I know find him quite loathesome yet it wouldn't be any more accurate "most" folks loathe him than that most folks admire him. Polls and statistics lie just as flimsy writers when trying to make rhetorical flourishes. The truth is, as though a person such as myself or Ms. Shinn could recognize it, that most people don't believe anything in common about what life "is" or "is not".
Anytime someone advises you what life "is" and then tells you how to live it while invoking some religion be wery wery careful my son! They do not have your best interests at heart.