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July 31, 2003



I'm reminded of Prof. Richard Florida's studies (see Rise of the Creative Class) and his identification of gays as the canaries in a community; communities in which gays thrived also thrived. The gay-friendly community manifested traits essential to long-term sustainability. No surprise, then, that the Bushies' attitudes toward gays are as bad as their attitudes towards economic and social development. Rotten through and through.


The timing of Bush's "position" seems to be well suited to divert attention from the nagging questions about who knew what and when on Iraq and other such matters. I hope the presidential race does not get bogged down with this but that may very well be what is coming.


I think it's fairly obvious with the courts waking up the flaws in historical logic that this issue will be front and center in the upcoming elections.

The far right feels backed into a corner about this and will fight with full force.

Only Connect

I disagree with the comment suggesting that there's some sinister Iraq-related motive in Bush's position. He's taking it because it is the politically expedient thing to do. And yes, gays may contribute to his opponent, but the gay issues are surely going to motivate the right-wingers even more strongly.

I'm longing for the good old days when shark attacks were the summer headlines.


I'm not sure I understand how you can quantify "gay issues are surely going to motivate the right-wingers even more strongly."

Obviously there are many folks at the table with lots of motivation. Who is motivated more is a question I doubt can be reasonably answered.

Only Connect

I wasn't quantifying anything. And "who is motivated more" is a question that certainly can be answered once events unfold. At this point it's assumption and speculation. But the anti-gay backlash is already being measured in the polls.


Perhaps I don't understand english then. If "gay issues are surely going to motivate the right-wingers even more strongly." is not a quantification of who is motivated more then I'll just head back to school to relearn english.


so, uh, you're gay?


No. Bisexual.

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