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September 30, 2003



It's Bush who needs to do the frog-walk.

Daniel X. O'Neil

His point was that we are not at a stalemate. George Bush is moving quite forward, as President, to places we don't want him to go, killing people we don't want him to kill, handing out cash and blowjobs to people we hate. And yes, nearly every time I see him on TV I cringe to think of where he sleeps every night, and shake my head when I see his wife's hand getting kissed by Jacques Chirac, knowing that he is kissing our First Lady's hand, and no, it doesn't feel good. But it is true. It is not a stalemate. And it is the acts of this man, this President, that we have to fight, and not waste ourselves otherwise. We have to resist, as you say, but not wholesale, and not based on the person or the fraudulent genesis of his power, but on specific issues. Because we are right and he is wrong.


I think perhaps we're talking past each other. My quibble is with the authors inability to accept a class of "complaint" about George Bush. It is as though, among many of the citizens, that discussions about the 2000 election are beside the point or somehow less than legitimate points to raise. I disagree very strongly.

But now matter, yes, I disagree with much of his agenda. But more importantly I have issue with his methods. George Bush is a criminal. I have no idea what you are talking about when you mention a kiss of the hand of Laura Bush.

Daniel X. O'Neil

Yes, we are talking past each other.
We are in agreement.
Bush = Bad. Needs to go. Today. So no more commenting on this for me.

As to his wife, the front page of the NYT had this photo the other day:


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