This afternoon the little one and I went down to show our support for Arnold Schwarzenegger.
When we walked out this morning the city had been postered with Robbie Conal's new piece. At first K thought the posters were a commercial for another move or something. We discussed these posters showing up and the cause of the protests across the street from Arnold's front office for the campaign over on 4th. On the side of Fred Segal a poster was being removed by a couple of guys in work clothes. I wondered as we walked by if this was a jobbed out task and these guys were happy to get the work or if they were staff and annoyed at having their property messed with by these guerilla posterers.
Down the street a little home decor place put up a sign for Arnold within the last week. I think the store is a sole propietorship. I wonder how the owner of Fred Segal feels about the recall. Yesterday I saw 3 Hummers driving by and each one had a little sign for Arnold in the window. Each one driven by a woman.
Until recently I saw Arnold S. on a pretty regular basis in the neighborhood, usually on the beach exercising. I know a few folks who have either worked for him or know him. I have heard people talk about him for the last decade. He owns many pieces of property within walking distance of our place. His "volunteer" office is within 2 blocks. Around here he is valued as a member of the community. He spends an inordinate amount of time doing charity work and holds a lot of land within the neighborhood. I have never heard any complaints about his businesses or his role as a landlord. I have however heard talk of his libido many times. It seems to be pretty common knowledge around here. I have overheard several times over the years conversations in which one of the parties expressed concern about the prospect of a daughter, mother, or wife working for Arnold. I don't know the validity of any particular allegation. Let's just say it is not at all surprising and if my daughter ever has the opportunity to work closely with Arnold Schwarzenegger I would advise her to refuse the work. My attitude is similar to that I hold towards Michael Jackson. If one of K's friends offered her an invite to Michael Jackson's Wonderland Ranch I'm afraid I would have to not allow her to go.
I was quite taken by Arnold's work last year to pass a law which would allow for greater funding for after school programs throughout the state. Although I do not generally ever vote for Republicans it did occur to me last year that if he continued to do work like this, which helps kids & doesn't carry with it the conservative patina of disdain for public education, then I might have been inclined to vote for him at some point in the future if he continued to play the politician. Granted I was very skeptical because of his family ties. I know all too well the games that we play with ourselves to ingratiate ourselves into the family of our in-laws. I also know full well how tempting it can be to tweak your in-laws. I have no doubt that at least some component of Arnold's political career comes from such impulses. All of that being said I was, before this whole recall thing, watching his budding political career with interest.
No more. The reality is that when all is said and done Arnold is a scroundel. This recall is wrong and everyone involved in it is tainted by the situation. The only good thing about this recall has been being fotrunate enough to see Darrell Issa cry on tv. If Arnold was to ever garner my vote he would have to earn it the old fashion way: developing a platform, running for office (tap, tap, is this thing on?, you know like in a election), debating others, etc.
Love it! Great family portrait!!!
Posted by: Rayne | October 07, 2003 at 05:34 AM
I like the pic too.
I am surprised nobody else seems to have gone down that Kennedy path about Arnold. Is that like speaking the unspeakable, like Voldemort or something? Of course, he has drowned any of his female associates with a vehicle yet, so maybe he just doesn't par up.
Posted by: ben | October 07, 2003 at 09:29 AM
*hasn't drowned.
Posted by: ben | October 07, 2003 at 09:30 AM
I'm reminded of the election for Student Council back in high school when every year Superman or Darth Vader won the election due to the overwhelming combination of apathy and love of the shenanigan. The principal always had to step in an hand the election to the nerdy second-place vote getter and deny the result.
Principal please come back.
Anyone else feeling physically ill about this? The parallels to the rise of fascism in Germany are growing, from the Tonight Show Putsch to the Brown Shirted Thugs. Love of authoritarianism is what is propelling Scwarzie's popularity. I need to get the heck out of this state.
Posted by: Dan-o | October 07, 2003 at 02:34 PM
Hilarious. Great picture.
Posted by: Brian Flemming | October 07, 2003 at 04:04 PM
i know how to maintain lady full details of fuck deferent model picture also
thanking you
with my best regards,
Posted by: sajan | January 17, 2004 at 05:54 AM
i know how to maintain lady full details of fuck deferent model picture also
thanking you
with my best regards,
Posted by: sajan | January 17, 2004 at 05:54 AM
i love this type of thing
i love to fuck too
Now i'm a lonely girland
i hope i can find a partner fuck with me everyday!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Kimberly | March 09, 2004 at 05:16 PM
Posted by: MUNIR | July 16, 2004 at 08:50 PM
There is no way that once one is committed to a belief that he will change to his old self. I am totally into Cos and it has become a way of life for me and for the good. Every night I am possessed by his supernatural power and only think of him sexually. I feel his presence and this allows me a great inner pleasure never before experienced with prior religion. It is as if I were in an hypnotic spell that I can not resist. I thought that I was unable to ever love as I do now and know that he inturn loves me. I am told not to pray but, to worship him solely with all my heart and soul. I have now behaved in the manner he desires without any problems and only he is my true God.
Posted by: Lou | October 20, 2004 at 08:04 PM
tdgdfgf hgfhg ghyu y utyuy
Posted by: shiva swamy | October 28, 2004 at 04:10 AM
tdgdfgf hgfhg ghyu y utyuy
Posted by: shiva swamy | October 28, 2004 at 04:10 AM
I to have felt the need for religion change for whatever reason and a more liberal one with a free spirit seems to lean towards satanism. It is much easier not to answer for all of our sins to a priest and especially when I indulge ito masturbating on a daily basis. I am only a teenager and rather embarrassed to confess my sexual affairs with an unknown man. I for one had to confess that my father had sexually molested me as a young teenager andwith much frequency and left nothing to the imagination. He would wait until mother was asleep and then crawl into bed with me and have is way with me several times a week for many years. My mother must have been aware of what was going on but, never interferred with what was happening. I began to look forward to the several times a week he would have sex with me and I never let on to that fact.So knowing all this and telling it to a man leaves me feeling that I must change religions for the best for all concerned. I know that being sexually active with father, boys and vibrator is probably uncommon but, nevertheless my preferred lifestyle and therefore goodby to catholicism.
Posted by: Lisa | November 18, 2004 at 07:27 PM