So I saw the photo shoot for Ryan, & Mike "The Lord of the Rings", & "Mohawk" Mike but I hadn't seen the results. It turns out the YM didn't put on the web all the real boys but they did post their little bit about Mohawk Mike. He's not too bad for a young'n but to be honest I can kick his ass here and back again on the rings. The mag didn't want to include me in their pictorial though as I have no acne!
LOTR Mike recently took some film of us swinging from being perched up on top of the cross bars. The films came out very sweet. Completely new vantage point to be sure. But Mike just headed down to Brazil for a few months so it may be a while before I get a copy of the film. When I do I'll post it here.
I never did report how I did in our recent competition. Well unfortunately I was slotted in the elders category so I didn't get a chance to compete against the like of Ryan. Next time we do it I lie about my age so I can compete against the 20 somethings. They may be young and have mad skillz but they need learn some chops. I got second place in my category and K got 3rd place in hers.
We did a damn fine job for our first time out in open competition. I'm teaching myself pole play and have a whole slew of new tricks I'm working on. I'll bag 1st place in one of the next few competitions.
Here's a recent pic for those of you who have no clue about my sport. Don't worry, most don't.