UAT TELEMARKETER: OK. Eugene, did you press 1 to oppose same sex marriages?
MIRMAN: Oh, I pressed it, yes.
UAT: OK, that's great to hear. Now are you against same-sex marriages?
MIRMAN:: Well I want to destroy it, yes.
UAT: OK, that's great to hear. And Eugene -
MIRMAN: With the fist of God, we will smash them!
UAT: Exactly. Uh, Mr. Mirman, our organization is dedicated to people such as yourself who want to stop same-sex marriages and to quit doing business with companies that promote and profit from the homosexual lifestyle.
MIRMAN: Some companies profit from homosexuality?
UAT: That's correct.
MIRMAN: By selling sex favors?
UAT: No. Such as AT&T, what they do …
MIRMAN: AT&T sells sex favors?
UAT: No, no. What it is is they own the Hot Network, which is a hardcore pornography channel … They also give millions of dollars to the Gay and Lesbian Alliance group....
MIRMAN: So what about the others? What does Verizon do?
UAT: OK, Verizon. What they do is they train their employees to accept a gay and lesbian lifestyle.
MIRMAN: They try to turn their employees gay?!
UAT: No, no. They train their employees to accept it.
UAT: UAT, Mr. Mirman, is the only carrier that is taking an active stand against same-sex marriages and hardcore child pornography.
MIRMAN: I think all child pornography is hardcore … It's all wrong. AT&T sponsors child pornography?
UAT: No, no. That's MCI.
MIRMAN: MCI sponsors hardcore child pornography?
UAT: Yes, they have a pedophile Web site for men who love boys. Uh, it's a Montreal-based Web site.
MIRMAN: Oh my God! Our Canadian pervert neighbors!
UAT: Mmm hmm.
MIRMAN: So MCI basically has a child pornography ring.
UAT: That's correct....
MIRMAN: Basically God hates AT&T, MCI, and Verizon.
UAT: (pause) Yes. And, Mr. Mirman, do you make a lot of long distance calls or just a few every month?