"Victory means exit strategy, and it's important for the President to explain to us what the exit strategy is."
Flich, what's the point here?
"You've completely lost me on this post."
Perhaps it's the work load, or not having as yet acclimated to the new abode. Wish you would take us back to your love of the traveling rings.
That was some of your best writing!
Hope you manage to shake off this dry patch and dwell on those things that bring pleasure in your heart.
"Keep the blog flowing"
Best Regards
PS this comment is intended for your post on the reader's missive 07/02/05.
The comment box on the mentioned post is nonfunctional.
Flich, what's the point here?
"You've completely lost me on this post."
Perhaps it's the work load, or not having as yet acclimated to the new abode. Wish you would take us back to your love of the traveling rings.
That was some of your best writing!
Hope you manage to shake off this dry patch and dwell on those things that bring pleasure in your heart.
"Keep the blog flowing"
Best Regards
PS this comment is intended for your post on the reader's missive 07/02/05.
The comment box on the mentioned post is nonfunctional.
Posted by: ScrewDriver | July 02, 2005 at 04:40 PM