This is silly. Gore's environmental behavior is heads and shoulders above most in the US. His footprint is much larger than the average but Peter Schweizer's attempt to make hay against Gore falls on deaf ears as he hasn't addressed any of the issues presented by Gore's stance. Sure Gore isn't perfect and there is likely to be other wasteful behavior which an enterprising young man like Peter Schweizer can find in Gore's behavior (or anyone else Peter points his reporting skills on). But to make a statement like "Maybe our very existence isn't threatened." based on the behavior of one family really is the height of childish ignorance. Mr. Schweizer could no doubt do a comprehensive and informative article on the ecological/pollution footprint of political leaders, or of environmental leaders, or even of industrial leaders and come up with something worth my time to read. But to make blanket dismisals of very real problems on a worldwide scale by questioning the integrity of the messenger Mr. Schweizer's words read as the ravings of a fool. USA Today should be embarrassed to have give Peter such a prominent page to spew his ignorance.
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