Have you ever done something you are pretty sure noone else has ever done? As I get older I realize more and more how difficult such a thing would be. People have been here pretty much forever and in that time we have developed so many ways to amuse ourselves and others. Surely somewhere in that history of finding things to do someone sometimes comes up with something new. Well that's what I am interested in exploring.
I'm a big fan of esoteric athletics because it's a major part of how I amuse myself. I'm what some call a sort of circus freak. I spin the roue simple and swing on the travelling rings. If you are like most people you don't even know what it is you just read. If you are regular reader around here you are already aware of the travelling rings but probably know little of the wheel as I have rarely mentioned it.
Well all of that is going to change. A few months ago I got an iPod Touch so I could lay in bed at night and watch Youtube videos of esoteric athletics. And now I'm going to start sharing all of this with my readers. In addition I have a lot of stuff already written on my own activities which I'm going to be sharing. I have been managing a regular roue simple get together in Venice now for almost a year on Sunday mornings. On any given Sunday as many as 6 or 7 folk may show up to learn to spin and to watch us crazy kids with our new fangled wheels. The numbers of people are growing. The interest in this activity and others continues to grow.
So stay tuned. Up next...where did this roue simple wheel come from and why has it taken over my life?
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