A week or two ago I was interviewed for a French TV production. It was quite strange. They filmed me swinging for a while. Then they asked me to allow them to interview me while I was swinging. That was peculiar to say the least. At first she would ask me questions while I had my back to them. That was awkward as I couldn't focus on what they were talking about. Then I figured out that I could screw up my swing, but focus on the interview by turning my head over my shoulder to watch them the entire time. That actually turned out to be a really nifty thing which I am going to try again. As I had to focus my attention on one spot it opened up a completely new way of organizing my swing. The only problem was that by diverting my attention from the poles and the other rings it surely made it more dangerous for me.
The production was on the topic of immortality. Apparently some French doctor has been doing research for decades on the ways the body deteriorates and he has, it was touted, found a cure for death. Or rather is on the way to finding a cure. Hence the television production and asking weirdos like me about the subject of immortality. Duh!
So the questioner, a young petite blond French woman, first asked me if I wanted to live forever. I told her no - unless I could stay in shape and swing for the rest of time. She seemed amused by my answer. She then asked me if I'd want to be in love forever. I poo-pooed that. She wondered why and I told her love is like a pendulum, it goes up and down - much like swinging on the rings. She laughed. Keep in mind the whole time this is going on I am swinging on the rings and feeling increasingly like I am in a François Truffaut film. After a moment or so of these types of questions I began to feel so amused by the whole thing I couldn't even respond to them anymore. The whole thing just felt so damn French.
So if you are watching out there in France please know I tried my best to be interesting despite the stupidity of the questions.
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