You are a coward. And an easily confused and ill-informed one at that. Now listen up boy while I explain the meaning of ad hominem. Ad hominem literally means "against the interlocutor, person, or man/woman" in its original Latin. In arguments ad hominem attacks are one of the most common & most easily ignored fallacies of logic. The basic structure goes like this:
- You boy, make declaration of X.
- I say "You are an ignorant boy."
- Therefore your claim of X is wrong.
This is quite obviously a statement of nonsense. You may be an ignorant boy but that has nothing whatsoever to do with statement X. In fact my pointing out that you are an ignorant boy is not only an ad hominem attack but could also be considered a red herring. In making such a statement I am attempting to produce an irrelevant topic, your ignorance & youth, in order to divert attention from your point X.
With this knowledge available let's look at a few examples shall we. For instance if you were to write:
"Gay and lesbian relationships couldn't be of any possible value considering the fact that God unequivocally condemned homosexuality as an abomination."
I might counter with the very witty, "Ah but you sir have bad breath and your mother dresses you funny so therefore gay and lesbian relationships do have value." But alas this would be an ad hominem attack on your argument. To be quite honest it wouldn't have any bearing on your contention that gay and lesbian relationships have no value no matter how funny you dress or how badly your breath may smell.
See, wasn't that fun (and informative too)!
So, boy, when I call you a coward that is not an ad hominem attack because I am not arguing your point. I am simply calling you a name. I think you are a coward. It is simple as that.
(Suffice it to say anyone who can use the word unnatural to make a point is, well, definately my intellectual better and I dare not go there.)
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